PhD Students

Marialuce Balsamo

Vincenzo Florio

Marco Nathaniel Nappo

Arianna Colurcio



«Y nacerá de nuevo esta palabra, tal vez en otro tiempo sin dolores». From Pablo Neruda to Elicura Chihuailaf: paradigms of interculturality.


This research project addresses the comparative study of Chilean indigenism and Mapuche indigenous poetry, with the aim of detecting idiosyncrasies and convergences between two paradigmatic figures within the literary landscape of reference: Pablo Neruda and Elicura Chihuailaf. 

The work aims to promote a possible interlocution between two different sociocultural profiles, but ideologically bound in the telluric and pro-indigenous nuances of the respective literary discourses.

From a structural point of view, a cross methodology is used – historical, ethnographic, philological and aesthetic – to interpret the textual and contextual implications, as well as the current reception of the poetics under examination. The research activity will be carried out in situ, in partnership with the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Fundación Neruda.    



The autograph letters of Ferdinand I of Bourbon. Study and publication


The object of the research is the correspondence of Ferdinand I of Bourbon, monarch of Southern Italy from 1759 to 1825. Of the numerous papers (mostly unpublished autographs) preserved in the State Archives of Naples, publication is expected of a corpus which, excluding diplomatic correspondence, includes letters addressed solely to members of the royal family. These writings, being of a practical nature and having a private destination, constitute a privileged observatory for outlining the eighteenth-century colloquial language, not always aligned with the processes of literary standardization. In particular, these letters may provide evidence that, many decades before the political unification of Italy, educated people used an informal register of Italian for functional reasons in various communicative contexts, such as precisely the letter. More specifically, our correspondence will be able to testify that, in the eighteenth-century linguistic repertoire of Naples, for the purposes of daily communication, from the interference of the literary language with the Neapolitan dialect a diatopic variety of Italian was created, which we will call “Italian regional”.



The Cantos Provence: a reasoned catalogue of trobadoric quotes in Ezra Pound’s poetry.


The project is meant to research, examine and comment on references to Occitan trobadours throughout the production of the American poet Ezra Pound. The work involves the development of a digital repertoire of trobadoric quotes inside The Cantos, by the recovery of excerpts and the study of elements which may be difficult to contextualise within the Author’s poetic production. Working in cooperation with the Ezra Pound Research Centre we will contribute to expanding the computer resources which are available for the study of both trobadours and the American poet at the present time. The main support tools will consist in catalogues and reference works – including the BEdT. Bibliografia elettronica dei trovatori by S. Asperti; the Rialto. Repertorio informatizzato dell’antica letteratura trobadorica e occitana. Trovatori by C. Di Girolamo and the COM. Concordance de l’occitan médiéval by P. Ricketts –  along with the huge secondary bibliography.



The definitive version of the third book of Philodemus’ De rhetorica: reconstruction, edition, and commentary


The aim of the project is the virtual reconstruction and critical edition, with a bibliological, palaeographical, and philological commentary, of the definitive version of the third book of Philodemus’ De rhetorica, PHerc. 1426 and its so-called ‘scorze’.

The work involves the review of the fragments attributed to the papyrus, the survey of the Herculaneum collection, the revision of archival documents, and the realisation of a digital maquette. The reading of the text, in comparison with PHerc. 1506, will make use of the most modern technological tools.

The project, which also includes a period of work at the Officina dei Papiri Ercolanesi in the National Library ‘Vittorio Emanuele III’ in Naples, tends towards the full valorisation, through the most modern methods of communication of research results, of an invaluable resource of the Italian Ministry of Culture, as well as the experimentation of innovative technological tools that can both encourage and enhance the digital transition currently underway in the Library.



Italian Grammar for Lower Secondary Schools: From Linguistic Research to School Publishing (1963-2023)


The research aims to trace the evolution of grammar textbooks for lower secondary school students between 1963 and 2023. It will attempt to assess the role played by the acquisitions of twentieth-century linguistics in the description and adoption of new grammatical models and to observe the changes in grammar textbooks considering the debate on the teaching of Italian. The fundamental outcome expected at the conclusion of the research is to measure, over a span of sixty years, the actual degree of openness or closure of school publishing towards the results achieved through decades of linguistic debates.



Antonio Ranieri. Life and Works of a southern intellectual in italian nineteenth century


The research intends to reconstruct the biographical and intellectual story of Antonio Ranieri (Napoli, 1806-Portici, 1888). Known above all for the friendship with Leopardi, this figure of nineteenth-century intellectual and politician is however significant for the understanding of the cultural guidelines that crossed Italy between the Kingdom of Naples, tuscan and then national environment. The research will aim to account for Ranieri’s various historiographical, literary and philosophical interests, also giving an account of his activity as an observer of contemporary society and as a politician with responsibility in the new unitary state. The research will examine not only the novel of “Ginevra” (of which there are two modern editions), but will proceed to a comprehensive reconstruction of the activity and historical-literary work of Antonio Ranieri that also considers the publicistic opportunities of political-social orientation. For this purpose, the consultation of the author’s papers kept at the National Library of Naples will be decisive: in this way it will be possible to contribute to the valorisation of a significant part of the Italian book and archival heritage.



Si fusca est, nigra vocetur: hate speech and the power of language as a type of violence. An etymological-lexical investigation about dark skin in the literary tradition


The project proposes the lexical and etymological investigation of Latin chromatic adjectives referring to black or dark skin. The etymology and history of the words investigated will contribute to illustrate the power of language to realise forms of violence exclusive to human beings. The research will be conducted through a perspective of historical and applied linguistics, sociolinguistics and semiotics.

The processing of the headwords will take place with the aid of the editorial system of the Lessico Etimologico Italiano (LEI), whose Research Centre experiences innovative technological tools such as classification and indexing of digital documents or elaboration of innovative methodologies for data encoding. These devices can favour and redevelop the digital transition, contributing to the redesigning and simplification of organisational models and to the enhancement of effective communication skills for the public organisation with tools suitable to counteract the hate speech on a cultural, educational and regulatory level.



Il libro III dei Tristia di Ovidio: saggio introduttivo, traduzione e commento


The proposed project aims to develop a new linguistic and literary commentary on Book III of Tristia, updated primarily from the point of view of analysis of compositional technique and the innovative intersection between elegiac and epistolography, taking into account the great development of studies on Ovid of the last fifty years, compared to the work of Luck (1977). The latter appears to be upgradable through a more specific investigation into Ovid’s use of the literary convention and, primarily, of the topical epistolary, along with some “traces of correspondence” found in the text. The research, in addition to preparing a guide to reading of the work, could offer new insights on the evolution of the “epistula form” in Rome, integrating the idea of Cugusi (1983) according to which the letters in verse are of no interest to the history and evolution of the epistolographic genre.



The De magnanimitate by G. Pontano: critical edition, italian translation and commentary


The treatise written by Pontano (1429-1503) focuses on the theory and practice of political power in 15th-century Italy: given the inadequacy of its 1969 edition, which lacks any translation, it is necessary to set a critical text based not only upon the recent outcomes of Middle Latin ecdotics, but also upon a new analysis of the witnesses of the work. The text and the italian translation, moreover, will be provided in a digital version too, in order to make them available online. The commentary will be the result of a new interpretation of the treatise according to the recent theories about political Humanism: as a matter of fact, the De magnanimitate is influenced by the organicistic ideology, that is to say the conceptual basis of the power of the Aragonese monarchy throughout Southern Italy and, above all, the starting point of the modern idea of State.

  • Adriana Beneduce, argomento della ricerca: L’Alessandra di Licofrone come esperimento di letteratura oracolare
  • Angelo Raffaele Caliendo, argomento della ricerca: Le “Chiose cassinesi”: edizione critica e commentata
  • Ludovica Fiorentino, argomento della ricerca: Il linguaggio emotivo nella schizofrenia
  • Vincenzo Leonardi, argomento della ricerca: Edizione critica e studio di un canzoniere barocco: il Desengaño de amor en rimas di Pedro Soto de Rojas
  • Giulia Morano, argomento della ricerca: La figura del gladiatore al di fuori dell’arena: usi e semantica di gladiator
  • Giancarlo Riccio, argomento della ricerca: Gli statuti del comico e del fantastico nel Surrealismo italiano
  • Marianna Scamardella, argomento della ricerca: Gli altri scrittoi: la pubblicistica a Napoli fra anni Sessanta e anni Ottanta

  • Mattia Auriemma, argomento della ricerca: Le hypotheseis ai testi drammatici antichi: introduzione, edizione critica e commento
  • Domenico Graziano / PON, argomento della ricerca: I paratesto nelle edizioni a stampa di opere scientifiche greche e latine (secc. XV-XVII)
  • Duilia Giada Guarino / PON, argomento della ricerca: Repertorio in ambiente digitale del lessico botanico storico in dialetto napoletano
  • Giuseppe Iazzetta, argomento della ricerca: Le digressioni “scientifiche” nelle Res Gestae di Ammiano Marcellino
  • Francesco Longobardi, argomento della ricerca: Commento al Libro XI dei Posthomerica di Quinto Smirneo
  • Sara Nocerino, argomento della ricerca: Oltre il giardino. Il libro di racconti del Novecento italiano: storia, teoria, prassi
  • Concetta Maria Pagliuca, argomento della ricerca: Dall’autoriale al figurale. Trent’anni di narrativa italiana (1870-1900)
  • Maria Chiara Robustelli / PON, argomento della ricerca: Ricostruzione virtuale e edizione digitale di un papiro ercolanese
  • Abir Shilii, argomento della ricerca: Amore e morte nelle raccolte di racconti rinascimentali
  • Laura Tagliaferro / PON, argomento della ricerca: Corpora di parlato dialogico non standard – La schizofrenia

  • Filomena Bernardo, argomento della ricerca: Edizione critica, traduzione e commento dell’ottavo libro delle Metamorfosi di Ovidio
  • Angela Bottigliero, argomento della ricerca: Tradizione manoscritta del Filocolo di Boccaccio e sua rilevanza testuale
  • Giacomo De Fusco, argomento della ricerca: La poetica di Dino Buzzati alla luce della ricezione francese
  • Davide Di Falco, argomento della ricerca: Per una definizione della categoria di espressionismo linguistico nella letteratura italiana contemporanea (1980-2000): nodi storiografici e sette casi di studio
  • Alessia Lavorante, argomento della ricerca: Ricostruzione, edizione e commento del libro De tempore di Epicuro (PHerc. 1413/1416)
  • Eleonora Pochettino, argomento della ricerca: Le liriche di Jaufre Rudel. Edizione critica e commento

  • Ciro Roberto Di Luca, argomento della ricerca: Tre modelli di poesia allegorico-didattica tardo-trecentesca: la Pietosa fonte, la Victoria Virtutum cum vitiis conflictantium, Le vaghe rime. Studio ed edizione critica
  • Alessia Guida, argomento della ricerca: Costruzione e annotazione di un corpus dell’età senile in pazienti affetti da disturbi neurocognitivi
  • Ciro Palomba, argomento della ricerca: Il paesaggio delle Silvae di Stazio: punto di snodo tra la concezione precedente e quella tardoantica
  • Sara Stifano, argomento della ricerca: «Come col sangue fu, fia con l’inchiostro». L’estetica della pietà e della violenza nell’Adone di Giovan Battista Marino e nella pittura del Seicento
  • Vittoria Vairo, argomento della ricerca: L’Idillio XVI di Teocrito: Le Cariti o Ierone

  • Fara Autiero / PON, argomento della ricerca: Sondaggi sui manoscritti miniati della Commedia: analisi di sotto-insiemi codicologici e relazioni testo-immagini
  • Elena Bilancia, argomento della ricerca: Teoria e pratica del dialogo in Italia nella seconda metà del Cinquecento
  • Francesco Condone, argomento della ricerca: Commento al terzo libro dei Cynegetica dello Pseudo-Oppiano
  • Marco Di Genua / PON, argomento della ricerca: La produzione satirica nelle riviste italiane del primo Novecento
  • Gianluca Esposito, argomento della ricerca: Configurazioni letterarie di biografie storiche in opere della letteratura di lingua tedesca tra 20° e 21° secolo
  • Beatrice Maria Eugenia La Marca / PON, argomento della ricerca: Meta-vocabolario dei dialetti campani (M.D.C.)
  • Maria Camilla Mastriani, argomento della ricerca: Lo studio del verbo nella tradizione grammaticale latina: per un corpus comparativo
  • Rosa Anna Paradiso / POR Campania, argomento della ricerca: Per un’analisi del lessico dei testi del disastro nell’età moderna
  • Antonio Perrone / POR Campania, argomento della ricerca: Topiche del disastro nella lirica meridionale del Seicento
  • Alessia Pezzella / ERC Platinum, argomento della ricerca: Forme del bilinguismo latino-greco e greco-latino in Oriente (I a.C.-VI d.C.): la prassi documentaria
  • Simona Schiattarella, argomento della ricerca: Competenze lessicali e sintattiche in età senile e in contesti normali e turbati
  • Valentina Sferragatta / ERC Discompose, argomento della ricerca: Testualità e sintassi nelle scritture del disastro: il caso degli avvisi a stampa